3rd Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference May 2002; Melbourne

For those women who were denied appropriate nurturing as infants themselves and perhaps appropriate modelling during their formative years, the struggle to mother themselves can often become too much for them and they abandon the process, thereby ensuring that their infant sits in the Shadow of Erikson's first two stages.....there is neither Trust or Autonomy upon which to build a strong psychological framework. Human milk, with its unique dynamic combination of nutrients designed to maximise the physical and psychological potential of each individual, is the white gold long sought after by those who would embrace immortality. It is the true Elixir of Life and Lac Humanum carries its full imprint. 

KEYWORDS: Mother; Erikson’s Eight Stages of Man; human milk; Lac Humanum

PRICE: $5.50 AUD

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Patricia Hatherly
BA DipEd BHSc(Homoeopathy)

Amamusus Natural Therapies Centre
Email: patricia@patriciahatherly.com