International Homeopaths for Autism
Patricia Hatherly
The Lacs in Paediatrics

The Hub: Lactation 101
Patricia Hatherly
Lac Maternum and Lac Humanum: how do they differ?

13th AHA National Conference
Patricia Hatherly
Inside the mind of the dog; noble or ignoble? A case of Lyssin

The Hub: Lactation 101
Patricia Hatherly
Colic and Reflux: causes and management

The Hub: Lactation 101
Patricia Hatherly
Diet, Environment and Lifestyle...some relevant issues associated with lactation.

The Hub: Lactation 101
Patricia Hatherly
Supply issues: not enough milk or too much milk; aetiologies & management

The Hub: Lactation 101
Patricia Hatherly
Breast abscess & Mastitis: symptoms and management
…surgical & homeopathic options

The Hub: Lactation 101
Patricia Hatherly
Thrush: White Spot (two types)
…symptoms and management

The Academy of Classical Homoeopathy Mumbai
Patricia Hatherly
The Lacs in Paediatric Prescribing

The Hub: Lactation 101
Patricia Hatherly
Nipple trauma: Cracks; Herpes; Paget’s; Dermatitis

The Hub: Lactation 101
Patricia Hatherly
Early days: engorgement; attachment and positioning; tongue-tie?

Homeopathy Musing
Patricia Hatherly
Lac Macropi

Teaching for the H.O.P.E Academy
Patricia Hatherly
The Lacs and the Gold Series

Teaching for the H.O.P.E Academy
Patricia Hatherly
The Lacs and the Gold Series

Patricia Hatherly
The Materia Medica of Lac Caninum with cases

AHA Webinar Couplet
Patricia Hatherly
Why did Hahnemann Nominate Just Three Miasms?
The Lacs: a special part of the animal kingdom

Patricia Hatherly
BA DipEd BHSc(Homoeopathy)

Amamusus Natural Therapies Centre