The Lacs A Materia Medica & Repertory

Please feel free to download the Preface. It will give you an good introduction to the book and the complexities of The Lacs as a Kingdom.

The repertory section of the book has been edited and all rubrics are now graded and two new milks, that of the Sri Lankan elephant and that of the sheep, have been added.

A group of 20 of us experienced the power of a group trituration to the C4 of human milk donated by the mother of a 5 month girl conducted over two days in Brisbane in 2005. The diary transcripts of all participants are included in this second edition with editorial comment from me highlighting the themes and rubrics which, over time, have proven to be an integral part of the Materia Medica of Lac Humanum. So now we have a standard Lac Humanum proving (Houghton and Halahan), a seminar proving (Sankaran) and a trituration proving (Hatherly). All show remarkable correspondence and consistency, thereby giving approbation to all three proving methods.

Those of you who prefer software to using books can now find my work in Complete Dynamics; Zeus (Radar); Synergy (MacRep) and Miccant.

The Lacs: A Materia Medica & Repertory first edition is sold out. You can get second edition at Emryss. The Repertory of The Lacs software is available from all the homœopathic software companies.


Table of Contents for "The Lacs A Materia Medica & Repertory"

  • Lac Asinum
  • Lac Cameli Dromedari
  • Lac Caninum
  • Lac Caprinum
  • Lac Delphinum
  • Lac Elephantis Maximi Maximi
  • Lac Equinum
  • Lac Felinum
  • Lac Humanum
  • Lac Llama Glama
  • Lac Leoninum
  • Lac Loxodonta Africana
  • Lac Lupinum
  • Lac Macropi Gigantei
  • Lac Maternum
  • Lac Oryctolagus Cunicilus
  • Lac Ovinum
  • Lac Phoca Vitulina
  • Lac Suillinum
  • Sus
  • Lac Vaccinum
  • Lac Vaccinum Defloratum
  • Annotated diaries of the provers of the 2005 Trituration Proving to the C4 of human milk

Book Reviews

Homoeopathic Links
A review has appeared in the premier international journal Homoeopathic Links and can be viewed by following this link.
The Homeopath
The Homoeopathic Heritage
American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine
Spectrum of Homeopathy
Hpathy E-Zine
Patricia Hatherly
BA DipEd BHSc(Homoeopathy)

Amamusus Natural Therapies Centre


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