11th AHA National Homoeopathic Medicine Conference 'Homœopathic Medicine - 21 Century Science' 21-22 October 2018 Sydney

Revaluation of basic miasmatic theory from a hormonal perspective

Each of our master-teachers who has expanded our understanding of miasmatic theory has, like Hahnemann, linked the notion of a miasm to that of a known disease state which grafts a “taint” onto our genetic disposition that then imposes inter-generational patterns of disease. Hahnemann’s initial three miasms have an association with scabies (Psora/under-function), gonorrhoea (Sycosis/over-function) and syphilis (Luesis/destructive function). However, the emerging science of epigenetics affords us a deeper understanding of the fact that modulation of our genes is a complex process and a myriad of factors are implicated in gene expression.

With the work that I’ve done with mothers and babies for over 40 years, I have come to consider that Psora is perhaps modulated by oxytocin; Sycosis by adrenalin, nor-adrenalin and cortisol and Luesis by insulin. And, since it is oxytocin which regulates homeostasis in the human body and it is our understanding that Psora is “…the engenderer of all disease…”, its expression in each individual, depends on the amount of oxytocin-receptor priming that occurs during the primal period which lasts from conception until weaning which should occur in the 4th year.

KEYWORDS: Miasm; Psora; oxytocin; homeostasis; Sycosis; adrenalin; nor-adrenalin; cortisol; Luesis; insulin; primal period; birth; lactation; Lac Humanum; Lac Maternum; epigenetics; self-realisation; §9

PRICE: $5.50 AUD

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Patricia Hatherly
BA DipEd BHSc(Homoeopathy)

Amamusus Natural Therapies Centre