Synoptic materia medica presented as a differential diagnosis indicating the similarities as well as the points of difference between Lac Asinum and Lac Humanum
By virtue of the fact that they are both complementary to Baryta Carb, Lac Humanum and Lac Asinum are associated with the Gold Series (Kingship)
For the compensated lac-h individual it's a matter of being self-realised and oriented about column 10...I am the King!
The lac-as individual, on the other hand, corresponds more closely to bar-c (the fool). However s/he is the idiot-savant; jester to the King... I carry the King!
Both are focused on getting their needs met. The lac-h individual is goal-oriented; self-determined and has a good sense of balance regarding what s/he gives to Self as opposed to the Group.
The lac-as individual also has a good sense of balance but it's more to do with being sure-footed. S/he is sturdy; can carry a precious load. There is also a cautious approach to the unknown which can be sometimes interpreted as stubbornness; obstinacy. ...slow and steady is the preferred pace.
The ass, traditionally, is referred to as a dumb animal... "Silly ass". True Wisdom (a precious load) is to know and be silent; so the depth of understanding in the lac-as individual may surprise you.
Lac Asinum (A/F: Cultural displacement [Refugee (lac-m); Mind:foreign language; speaks in, a].
Primary delusion is "I carry a precious burden", and their perspective on Life is " I am dependable; the King can rely on me!".
Lac Humanum [A/F: no breastfeeding or early weaning].
Primary delusion is "I have been denied the breast", and their perspective on Life is "Life's journey enables me to reach for the stars; I am alone but not lonely!"
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BA DipEd BHSc(Homoeopathy)
Amamusus Natural Therapies Centre