Not Welcome in My Country – a case of Lac Macropi Gigantei
The picture that emerged from the proving of Lac Macropi Gigantei is that the milk of Australia's premier marsupial appears to hold the story of the struggle of the nation's first peoples to adapt to colonisation. And a picture is slowly emerging, from clinical cases, that it is a medicine to assist with an adaptation process peculiar to Australia's environmental and broader cultural perspective, and this case is a good example of that. It encompasses the key themes of possession/dispossession; patriarchy/matriarchy and communication/miscommunication as this well-intentioned trespasser attempts (through music and song) to construct a path which will assist with integration into another culture.
KEYWORDS: Country; Belligerence; Aboriginal; Communication; Song; Ancestors; Dreamtime.
PRICE: $5.50 AUD
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BA DipEd BHSc(Homoeopathy)
Amamusus Natural Therapies Centre