My Seminar Diary Archive
4 - 5 Nov 2023, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
13th AHA Conference
Patricia Hatherly
"Inside the mind of the dog; noble or ignoble? A case of Lyssin"
Find out more...
Feb - Nov 2023: 3rd Monday of each month, 7pm ET / 4pm PT
The Hub
Lactation 101
Learn to use the lac remedies acutely and chronically, for lactation-related and other complaints. In this 10 hour class (10 one hour monthly sessions), the HUB brings together a dream team of expert resources to help you skill up in this continuing education for practitioners. Sessions include presentation and Q&A.
Feb 21 Early days: engorgement; attachment and positioning; tongue-tie?
March 21 Nipple trauma: Cracks; Herpes; Paget’s; Dermatitis
April 18 Thrush: White Spot (two types) …symptoms and management
May 16 Breast abscess & Mastitis: symptoms and management …surgical & homeopathic options
June 20 Lac Felinum: Karen Allen & Ifeoma Ikenze
Jul 18 Supply issues: not enough milk or too much milk; aetiologies & management
Aug 22 Colic and Reflux: causes and management
Sep 19 Lactose & Milk Protein Intolerance: causes and management; role of diet
Oct 17 Lac Delphinum: Karen Allen & Nancy Herrick
Nov 21 Lac Maternum and Lac Humanum: how do they differ?
Dec 5 The Lacs – an overview: themes and keynotes
The Hub
Lactation 101
Lac Maternum and Lac Humanum: how do they differ?
The Hub
Lactation 101
Diet, Environment and Lifestyle...some relevant issues associated with lactation.
The Hub
Lactation 101
Colic and Reflux: causes and management
The Hub
Lactation 101
Supply issues: not enough milk or too much milk; aetiologies & management
2023 July 7, Curibita, Brasil
Homeopathic School of Curitiba
Patricia Hatherly
Why did Hahnemann name just three miasms?
The Hub
Lactation 101
Breast abscess & Mastitis: symptoms and management …surgical & homeopathic options
The Hub
Lactation 101
Thrush: White Spot (two types) …symptoms and management
The Academy of Classical Homoeopathy Mumbai
The Lacs in Paediatric Prescribing
The Hub
Lactation 101
Nipple trauma: Cracks; Herpes; Paget’s; Dermatitis
2023 February 21, 7pm ET / 4pm PT
The Hub
Lactation 101
Early days: engorgement; attachment and positioning; tongue-tie?
2023 February 4, 2pm IST/ 9.30am CET
Homeopathy Musing
Patricia Hatherly
Lac Macropi
BA DipEd BHSc(Homoeopathy)
Amamusus Natural Therapies Centre